Day 51- Helland Bridge to Treyarnon
Actual distance 32.97km or 20.49miles- 20.21km cycling/ 12.76km walking (or the length of 109,900 lobsters)
Total Ascent 324m (or the height of 2,025 standard Cornish pasties)
Staying with Bryan and Karen
Today was a really nice, easy, and very sociable day.
After packing up we headed back to the Camel Trail with Sarah and Abi (Bethan’s Mum and sister) and the 8 of us set off along the pleasant, beautifully smooth cycle path. After about 5km we were joined by Jennie’s parents and her cousin Emma, and a little further along the path at Wadebridge we were also joined by Immy and Adam from Dartmoors Edge Campsite/ 1st Lifton SeaScouts. The 13 of us rode together towards Padstow, weaving along the very busy (Bank Holiday Monday) traffic free route.
We planned to walk onwards from Padstow, so met with Emma, Niall and Dan to drop off the bikes a couple of miles outside of Padstow, then all walked into town, completing the Camel trail on foot as an even larger group of 16 (plus Moby the dog!). The journey flew, and soon we were tucking into our first authentic Cornish Pasties for lunch from Chough bakery– very yummy!
We spent some time sitting and chatting with the group until, reluctantly, we parted ways so the Woggle JOGLE team could set off again, keen(ish) to get a bit further with the hope of a half day tomorrow on the beach! Heading for the costal path and our first proper sea views since day 2 and the North coast of Scotland, we ascended through Padstow then through farmland, crossing fields filled with kale, turnips and corn. Then we reached the coastal path, winding along awesome cliffs and past countless rock pools and sandy beaches.
Arriving in Treyarnon we met up with Niall and Emma in the YHA cafe for a well deserved drink (and an ice cream for the younger team despite it not being the warmest of days!) and to wait for the rest of the extended support team to arrive. Then we wandered down to play on the beach. Hattie and Ollie went with Granddad to ‘paddle’ in the sea and came back significantly wetter than planned, and then continued to play in the sand and sand dunes until it was time to head to our base for the next two nights (with the luxury of not having to strike camp in the morning!)
Tonight we have been hosted and treated to an amazing BBQ (including langoustines!) by friends of Emma (Jennie’s cousin), Karen and Bryan who are kindly letting us stay for the next few nights. After dinner Bryan set up a movie on a projector in the barn for the kids to watch and they were very happily transfixed by moving pictures for an hour and a half before heading to bed!