Day 22 – Lockerbie to Carlisle
Actual distance 47.18Km or 29.31 miles (or 85,782 female golden retrievers)
Total Ascent 314m (or 2,326 medium Costa coffee cups)
Staying at Ratlingate Scout Campsite
Our last day in Scotland started a little slowly as we had to wake Ollie up and he was very reluctant to get going until we reminded him that his birthday is happening in Carlisle tomorrow, so it was very important we make it there! Suddenly he was inspired to ride!
We left St Ann’s in the drizzle, but by the time we made it to the start point in Lockerbie it has dried nicely! We followed cycle routes 74 then the 7 today, travelling along roads that run parallel to the A(M)74. There was a mixture of B roads with space for a cycle lane at the side of the road and empty country lanes roads. The path lead through a small hamlet called Hollee, that Ollie couldn’t pass by without adapting the sign for a photo!
The hills today were generally long and gradual, and we remained dry and comfortably warm. We were therefore able to make really good progress and reached Gretna Green for lunch in high spirits. We ate lunch in the park (the children’s choice of course!), and watched a few groups heading into the Registry Office we assume (from their attire) to get married. Once we had our lunch we had to ensure we were suitably fuelled for the shortish afternoon by testing the (possibly) renowned Scottish delicacy of battered Mars bar which was surprisingly good!
We sped out of Gretna only to have to do an emergency stop, not realising that the English border was quite so close! Photos taken, we then continued along route 7 on one of the most un-scenic stretches of road we had encountered yet adjacent to the M6. We quickly started to miss the tranquillity of Scotland.
Despite some fairly tricky head winds (or ‘Hedwigs’ as Hattie termed them) we still made it to Carlisle in good time and celebrated with a Costa before heading for Ratlingate Scout Campsite – our home for the next 2 nights. After tea we had a visit to welcome us to Cumbria from Eddie Ward, the County Commissioner. We had a good chat and made a fuss of Honey (an Instagram star we found out!) before pitching the tents in the hall ready for our day off tomorrow!
Tomorrow is Ollie’s 10th birthday (that he has reminded us of pretty continually for the last 3 weeks!). We therefore have a busier schedule than you would expect for a rest day, filled with treasure hunts, brunch, cinema trips, a Lego shop, cake, presents and a movie night (assuming the birthday boy gets his way!).