Rowardennan to Dumgoyne
Actual distance 27.31Km or 18.3 miles (or 182,066 ice cream waffle cones)
Total Ascent 351m (or 3545 Cadbury’s ‘99’ flakes)

Staying at the Lomond Mountain Rescue base

It was a little midgey this morning whilst packing and breakfasting but we survived our worst encounter yet. Jen even broke out her midge hat! They were a great incentive to get going and certainly helped us to leave at a decent time!
Today we switched from walking to fit in a sneaky bike day, allowing us to complete most of the rest of the West Highlands Way. The initial track was along the main road out of Rowardennan. It was fairly ‘lumpy’, with lots of short sharp ascents and descents and certainly didn’t have the magical views of the last few days. There were a few sore legs and some tricky moments but we managed to make it to Drymen in really good time for lunch. We had considered stopping in Drymen as planned, and essentially having a half rest day, but instead we chose to plough on for a further 9km and managed to get to Dumgoyne before calling it a day. We have therefore not only managed to catch up with our planned schedule, but are actually slightly ahead of where we’d hoped to be!
We are lucky enough to be staying with the Loch Lomond Mountain Rescue Team in Drymen this evening. Paul kindly showed us around their fabulous HQ this afternoon, and gave us a tour of there amazing vehicles. We then wandered down into Drymen for ice creams, before settling down with a film and some hearty chilli!